直接根据输入的用户名、密码注册新账号并登录,无需开网页注册,只支持cmgsv 21.2a windows版本
(1.99 KB, 下载次数: 1)
- local ffi = require "ffi";
- local FFI = ffi;
- local hook = { hooks = {} }
- ffi.cdef [[
- int VirtualProtect(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long flNewProtect, unsigned long* lpflOldProtect);
- ]]
- function hook.new(cast, callback, hook_addr, size)
- local _size = size or 5
- local new_hook = {}
- local detour_addr = tonumber(ffi.cast('intptr_t', ffi.cast('void*', ffi.cast(cast, callback))))
- local hookFnPtr = ffi.cast('void*', hook_addr)
- local old_prot = ffi.new('unsigned long[1]')
- local old_prot2 = ffi.new('unsigned long[1]')
- local org_bytes = ffi.new('uint8_t[?]', _size + 10)
- ffi.copy(org_bytes, hookFnPtr, _size)
- org_bytes[_size] = 0xE9;
- ffi.cast('uint32_t*', org_bytes + _size + 1)[0] = hook_addr - (ffi.cast('uint32_t', org_bytes) + _size);
- local hook_bytes = ffi.new('uint8_t[?]', _size, 0x90)
- hook_bytes[0] = 0xE9
- ffi.cast('uint32_t*', hook_bytes + 1)[0] = detour_addr - hook_addr - 5
- ffi.C.VirtualProtect(hookFnPtr, _size, 0x40, old_prot)
- ffi.copy(hookFnPtr, hook_bytes, _size)
- ffi.C.VirtualProtect(hookFnPtr, _size, old_prot[0], old_prot2)
- --local orgHookedPtr = ffi.cast(cast, ffi.cast('void*', ffi.cast('uint32_t', org_bytes)));
- --ffi.C.VirtualProtect(org_bytes, _size, old_prot[0], old_prot2)
- new_hook.uninstall = function()
- ffi.C.VirtualProtect(hookFnPtr, _size, 0x40, old_prot)
- ffi.copy(hookFnPtr, org_bytes, _size)
- ffi.C.VirtualProtect(hookFnPtr, _size, old_prot[0], old_prot2)
- hook.hooks[tostring(hook_addr)] = nil;
- end
- new_hook.call = ffi.cast(cast, org_bytes)
- new_hook.org_bytes = org_bytes;
- new_hook.callback = callback;
- hook.hooks[tostring(hook_addr)] = new_hook;
- return setmetatable(new_hook, {
- __call = function(self, ...)
- local res = self.call(...)
- return res
- end
- })
- end
- ffi.hook = hook;
- _G.SQL = _G.SQL or {}
- local SQL = _G.SQL;
- function SQL.sqlValue(s)
- if s == nil then
- return 'null'
- end
- if type(s) == 'number' then
- return tostring(s)
- end
- if type(s) == 'string' then
- local r = "'"
- for i = 1, string.len(s) do
- local v = string.sub(s, i, i);
- if v == '\\' or v == '\'' then
- r = r .. '\\'
- end
- if not (v == '\n' or v == '\r') then
- r = r .. v;
- end
- end
- return r .. "'";
- end
- return 'null';
- end
- function SQL.querySQL(sql)
- local result = SQL.Run(sql)
- if type(result) == "table" then
- local res = {}
- local field = tonumber(result.field);
- local row = tonumber(result.row);
- for i = 0, row do
- for j = 0, field do
- res[i + 1] = res[i + 1] or {}
- res[i + 1][j + 1] = result['' .. i .. '_' .. j];
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- return result
- end
- local Protocol = { Hooks = {}, _hooked = false }
- local _OnDispatch;
- local _nrproto_unescapeString = FFI.cast('char* (__cdecl *)(const char* str)', 0x00559040)
- ---封包字符串解密
- function Protocol.nrprotoUnescapeString(str)
- return FFI.string(_nrproto_unescapeString(str));
- end
- function string.split(str, separator)
- local str = tostring(str)
- local separator = tostring(separator)
- local strB, arrayIndex = 1, 1
- local targetArray = {}
- if (separator == nil)
- then
- return false
- end
- local condition = true
- local si, sd;
- while (condition)
- do
- si, sd = string.find(str, separator, strB)
- if (si)
- then
- targetArray[arrayIndex] = string.sub(str, strB, si - 1)
- arrayIndex = arrayIndex + 1
- strB = sd + 1
- else
- targetArray[arrayIndex] = string.sub(str, strB, string.len(str))
- condition = false
- end
- end
- return targetArray
- end
- local function OnDispatch(fd, str)
- local s, e = pcall(function()
- local s = FFI.string(str);
- local list = string.split(s, ' ');
- local head = list[1];
- table.remove(list, 1);
- for i = 1, #list do
- list[i] = Protocol.nrprotoUnescapeString(list[i]);
- end
- --print('收到', head, '封包,内容: ', unpack(list))
- if Protocol.Hooks[head] and _G[Protocol.Hooks[head]] then
- local ret = _G[Protocol.Hooks[head]](fd, head, list);
- if type(ret) == 'number' and ret < 0 then
- return -1;
- end
- end
- return _OnDispatch(fd, str);
- end)
- return s and e or _OnDispatch(fd, str);
- end
- ---拦截封包回调
- ---@param Dofile string 加载文件
- ---@param FuncName string 回调名字
- ---@param PacketID string 封包头
- function Protocol.OnRecv(Dofile, FuncName, PacketID)
- if Dofile and _G[FuncName] == nil then
- dofile(Dofile)
- end
- Protocol.Hooks[PacketID] = FuncName;
- if Protocol._hooked == false then
- Protocol._hooked = true;
- _OnDispatch = FFI.hook.new('int (__cdecl *)(uint32_t fd, const char *encoded)', OnDispatch, 0x00551800, 5);
- end
- end
- local function OnRecv(fd, head, data)
- local user = SQL.querySQL('select * from tbl_user where CdKey = ' .. SQL.sqlValue(data[3]));
- if user == SQL.CONST_RET_NO_ROW then
- local seq = SQL.querySQL('select max(SequenceNumber) + 1 from tbl_user');
- local sql = 'insert into tbl_user (CdKey, SequenceNumber, AccountID, AccountPassWord, '
- .. ' EnableFlg, UseFlg, BadMsg, TrialFlg, DownFlg, ExpFlg) values ('
- .. SQL.sqlValue(data[3]) .. ', ' .. SQL.sqlValue(seq[1][1]) .. ', '
- .. SQL.sqlValue(data[3]) .. ', '
- .. SQL.sqlValue(data[2]) .. ',1,1,0,0,0,0);'
- local r = SQL.querySQL(sql)
- end
- return 0
- end
- _G.OnRecv = OnRecv;
- Protocol.OnRecv(nil, 'OnRecv', 'JFVf')
补充内容 (2021-9-12 18:08):
.. SQL.sqlValue(data[2]) .. ',1,1,0,8,0,0);'
补充内容 (2021-9-14 11:52):
PS: string.split 注意不要被其他脚本覆盖了。不然会崩端 |